Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene

Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene

September 5-7, 2021, Humboldt University, Berlin

ENN Newsletter – Issue XIX – May 2021

ENN Newsletter – Issue XIX – May 2021


ENN Newsletter – Issue XIX – May 2021



O: Editorial                                                                                                                                                      

Claude Bremond (1929-2021)

Claude Bremond (1929-2021)

Claude Bremond (1929-2021)

Contemporary French and Francophone Narratoliogy

Contemporary French and Francophone Narratoliogy

Contemporary French and Francophone Narratology,
Edited by John Pier, The Ohio State UP, 2020

Table of Contents

John Pier

Raphaël Baroni
Pragmatics in Classical French Narratology and Beyond

Sylvie Patron
No-Narrator Theories/Optional-Narrator Theories: Recent Proposals and
Continuing Problems. Toward a History of Concepts in Narrative Theory

Benoît Hennaut
Narrator on Stage: Not a Condition but a Component for a
Postdramatic Narrative Discourse

Françoise Revaz
The Poetics of Suspended Narrative

Richard Saint-Gelais
Narration Outside Narrative

John Pier
Discourse Analysis and Narrative Theory: A French Perspective

Denis Bertrand
Regimes of Immanence, between Narratology and Narrativity

Olivier Caïra
Fiction, Expanded and Updated

Claude Calame
Narratology and the Test of Greek Myths: The Poetic Birth of a Colonial City

Françoise Lavocat
Policing Literary Theory: Toward a Collaborative Ethics of Research?

Extended Deadline TRANS- journal : Literary Mechanisms - 2 December 2020

Extended Deadline TRANS- journal : Literary Mechanisms - 2 December 2020

Recherches contemporaines en narratologie - Storytelling et narratologie

Recherches contemporaines en narratologie - Storytelling et narratologie

Call for papers for the 27th issue of TRANS- "Literary Mechanisms"

Call for papers for the 27th issue of TRANS- "Literary Mechanisms"

Call for papers for the 27th issue of TRANS– the journal of general and comparative literature
“Literary Mechanisms”

ENN 6 online conference: new dates and CFP

ENN 6 online conference: new dates and CFP

Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis, the ENN6 Conference had to be postponed. We are now able to announce that 

Neohelicon Call for Papers

Neohelicon Call for Papers

Call for papers of a special issue on epidemics. 

Abstract submisssion deadline May 1, 2020.

Call for Papers: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies March Issue

Call for Papers: Journal of Narrative and Language Studies March Issue

We appreciate each author and researcher’s contribution to the Journal of Narrative and Language Studies; and would like to grant the erudite work of our devoted reviewers, whose commitments, we believe, have promoted the standards in the selecti


About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.