ENN Newsletter – Issue XV – November/December 2016 (test resend)

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • ENN Membership Survey
  • ENN5: CFP Prague Conference (13-15/09/2016; deadline: March 31)
  • New website!
  • Conference Reports
  • Upcoming Events and CfPs
  • New Publications


ENN December, 2016

Dear !subscriber_name

This is the 15th instalment of the ENN Newsletter.  We are pleased to announce that the 5th Conference of the European Narratology Network will take place in Prague from September 13 to 15, 2017 with a Pre-Conference Doctoral Master Class on September 11 and 12, 2017. The theme is “Narrative and Narratology: Metamorpho-ses of Structures”. 

This issue of the ENN Newsletter includes information about the ENN Membership Survey and the website relaunch, as well as a conference report.

Please note that announcements to be included in the “News” section of the homep-age and any information to be published in the ENN Newsletters can be sent to the ENN Ghent office via enn4@ugent.be with a copy to Tobias Hermans (Bloomington University, Indiana), who acts as ENN Secretary (ttherman@iu.edu).

We hope to see you all at the 5th ENN Conference in Prague. 

The ENN Steering Committee 

Gunther Martens, Karin Kukkonen, Ondřej Sládek

ENN Membership Survey

During the general meeting at the last conference in Ghent, the suggestion was made that the ENN could be turned from a network into a society with membership fees. Initially established as a light-weight, predominantly online network, ENN may now have reached (and even exceeded) the size and scope of a regular society, thus requiring a more extended organisational infrastructure. This is a complex and multi-sided issue that concerns all ENN members, so that ENN's extended steering group has decided for a general consultation through a survey.  

Please fill out the survey below; it will only take 5 minutes of your time. 

The results will help us prepare the business meeting at the Prague conference where the motion to turn the network into a society will be debated and (probably) decided. We would like to hear from as many members as possible, so please take the survey and make your voice heard. If you would like to share you view in more detail, feel free to contact us via email (k.b.kukkonen@ilos.uio.no).

Please note that membership fees (if they do get instated) will not apply to the Pra-gue conference yet and the outcome of the survey will not affect the modalities of ENN membership until after Prague. 

The ENN steering group (Karin Kukkonen; Gunther Martens; Ondrej Sladek; co-opted members: Stefan Iversen, Hilary Dannenberg, Nora Berning) wishes to thank you in advance!

The survey is to be found here. The deadline for participation in the survey is March 31 2017.

ENN5: CFP Prague Conference (13-15/09/2016; deadline: March 31)

Fifth International Conference
European Narratology Network
Narrative and Narratology: Metamorphoses of Structures
Prague, September 13−15, 2017


The 5th Conference of the European Narratology Network is organized by

Institute of Czech Literature The Czech Academy of Sciences (ICL CAS)

in co-operation with the European Narratology Network

Website: http://www.enn5.cz

 New website!

 We are happy to be able to announce that the ENN website finally got its long overdue overhaul and is now online. The website is now hosted at the Ghent ENN office. Please direct any inquiries or remarks concerning remaining technical glitches to enn4@ugent.be. Once more, we wish to thank Jan Christoph Meister for having hosted and maintained the website over the past 7 years. New on the website: 
  • The online registration form for new members is now active again. Feel free to direct the attention of potential new ENN members to http://www.narratology.net/join-ENN
  • Extant members of ENN may update their profile again. Please follow the “new password” routine in case you forgot your password. If the email address linked to your profile is no longer active, please drop us a line at enn4@ugent.be and we will provide you with full access again. 
  • ENN members that enrolled in the period 2014-2016 have been added to the website. If your name is still missing, contact enn4@ugent.be

Please keep an eye on the website, as we are testing the implementation of new tools to disseminate your ongoing research (publications and projects, online submission of CFP and conference announcements; citation tracking) in the field of narratology.

Conference reports

1. Perspectives and Frontiers of Cognitive Narratology (Prague, 22.–24. October 2015)
2. "Glück am Ende? Episodisches Erzählen in Mittelalter und Gegenwart”Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, 3.-5.6.2016
Report written by Doren Wohlleben & Christian SchneiderUpcoming Events and CfPs
New publications
ENN members are asked to send in announcements of recently or soon-to-be-published monographs and anthologies together with the standard bibliographical information (NB: intended for this heading are books, not articles). This information, which will be included in each upcoming Newsletter, should be sent to the Chairman of the ENN Steering Committee, Gunther Martens, at enn4@ugent.be with a copy to Tobias Hermans (Bloomington University, Indiana) at ttherman@iu.edu .


About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.