Centre for Fictionality Studies at Aarhus University the conference, Fictionality in Literature: Core Concepts Revisited, which might be of interest to some of you.
For more information please visit the home page: http://conferences.au.dk/fictionality2017/
Preliminary program
Contact: Henrik Skov Nielsen
Wednesday, May 3
09.00 - 09.15: Welcome
09.15 - 09.55: Louise Brix Jacobsen - Paratext
09.55 - 10.35: Gerald Prince - Reader
10.35 - 11.15: Henrik Skov Nielsen - Author
11.15 - 12.15: Lunch break
12.15 - 12.55: Sylvie Patron - Narrator
12.55 - 13.35: Porter Abbott - Character
13.35 – 14.15: Maria Mäkelä - Consciousness
14.15 – 14.30: Break
14.30 - 15.10: Laura Karttunen - Speech Representation
15.10 - 15.50: Karin Kukkonen - Plot
Thursday, May 4
09.00 - 09.05: Welcome
09.05 - 09.45: Richard Walsh - Metafiction and Metalepsis
10.45 - 11.25: Rikke Andersen Kraglund - Intertextuality
10.25 - 11.05: Lasse Gammelgaard - Poetry
11.05 - 11.45: Catherine Gallagher and Simona Zetterberg Gjerlevsen - Novel
11.45 - 12.45: Lunch break
12.45 - 13.25: Greta Olson - Tropes
13.25 - 14.05: James Phelan - Literary Non-fiction
14.05 - 14.20: Break
14.20 - 15:00: Jakob Lothe - Ethics
15.00 - 15.40: Susan Lanser - Ideology and Social Justice
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