The Media School, Bournemouth University. Wednesday 27 April 2011: Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth
'Non Human Narratives' is the follow up to the Narrative Research Group's first and highly successful 'Keeping it Real' Symposium. Exploring representations of the non human, the symposium will feature papers on the following subjects:
* Monsters and serial killers
* Animals in the movies
* Issues surrounding environmental and technological change
* The activities of fans of the nonhuman
The symposium is a chance for academics from a wide range of disciplines to come together and discuss their work on key emerging theoretical areas (e.g. critical animal studies, ecocriticism, post humanism and fan studies). Discussion will focus on how these areas illuminate a variety of popular cultural texts and practices including Hollywood movies, graphic novels, true crime narratives, costumes, and artefacts produced by fans.
Members of NRG will be exhibiting their work and there will be an opportunity for delegates to attend a workshop on making props based on animals for the screen.
The day should be of interest to academics and practitioners working in the areas of media studies, cultural studies, narrative theory, literature and language.
Keynote speaker, Professor David Herman, is the editor of the journal Storyworlds, and the highly influential Frontiers of Narrative series, both published by the University of Nebraska Press.
Further details and a booking form may be obtained by following the link below or by emailing the organisers Bronwen Thomas<> or Julia Round<>
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