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Albatros Rexhaj
Real name:
Personal information
- First name
- Albatros
- Last name
- Rexhaj
- Institutional affiliation
University of Pristina
- Narratological interest
I am an artisit and a critic of drama working on a PH.D thesis, the first in the Albanian speaking world on the narrative of drama. My master thesis was on the character of drama.
Narratology is a field not known much in my part of the world and therefore I want to provide as much information as possibile about Naratlogy to my colleagues and fellow researchers.
More that I read about Naratology I fall more in love with it.
it would be an honor and great help to be a member of this network and promote narratology in my part of the world.
- Member for
- 11 years 3 months
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