ENN5: Prague Conference (13-15/09/2017)

Fifth International Conference
European Narratology Network
Narrative and Narratology: Metamorphosing the Structures
Prague, September 13−15, 2017

Conference Website


Email: enn5@amca.cz

Narrative and Narratology: Metamorphosing the Structures

Keynote speakers

ENN Membership Survey

As you may know, during the general meeting at the last conference in Ghent the suggestion was made that the ENN could be turned from a network into a society with membership fees and a more extended organisatorial infrastructure. This is a complex and multi-sided issue, so that ENN's extended steering group has decided to consult with members of ENN.  Please fill out the survey below, it will only take 5 minutes of your time. The results will be discussed at the next general meeting. The ENN steering group wishes to thank you in advance!

What further possibilities for member participation in ENN would you like to see implemented?
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

CFP: Narrative, Cognition & Science Lab (Erlangen; deadline: 31/8)

Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

21-23 October 2016
Organized by ELINAS: Research Center for Literature and Natural Science (http://elinas.fau.de/)

Invited Keynote Speakers:

Issue XIV, May 2016

Download : ENN Newsletter XIV, 2016





I: Editorial 2    

II: Co-optations Steering Committee 3


III: Conference-related Matters

 III.1: ENN 3 Conference Proceedings 5

III.2: ENN 4 Conference proceedings 5

III.3. ENN 5: Dates 6


IV: Mailing list           6


V: Upcoming Events, CfPs and Jobs           7


VI: New Publications          8

VII: Links          9

New ENN 3 publication: "Narratological Concepts across Languages and Cultures"

The long-awaited first installment of the ENN3 proceedings is now online:


Narratological Concepts across Languages and Cultures

Edited by John Pier

Amsterdam International Electronic Journal for Cultural Narratology (nr. 7-8 autumn 2012-autumn 2014)


CFP: Style and Response: Minds, Media, Methods (Sheffield Hallam; 11-12 Nov 2016; deadline: April 15)

CFP: The Stylistics Research Group at Sheffield Hallam University (UK) are pleased to announce the CFP for our upcoming conference Style and Response: Minds, Media, Methods which will take place on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November 2016.

Aarhus Summer Course in Narrative Studies 2016 (Deadline: April 16)

SINS16 is now open for registrations - feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested (and sorry for any crossposting).



CFP: A Hundred Years of Ostranenie (Erfurt, 15-17/12/2016; deadline: Feb 1)

Call for Papers


A Hundred Years of
an International Conference


University of Erfurt, December 15-17 2016


Organizers: Alexandra Berlina and Holt Meyer, University of Erfurt

CFP: Mind – Media – Narrative: Exploring the Nexus of Transmedial and Cognitive Narratologies (20-22/06/2016, Warsaw; deadline: 15/03)

Mind – Media – Narrative: Exploring the Nexus of Transmedial and Cognitive Narratologies 

University of Warsaw (Poland)

20-22 June 2016

Issue XIII, 2015

Download : ENN Newsletter XIII, 2015


I: Editorial    

II: Conference-related Matter

II.1: 4th ENN Conference

II.2: Minutes of the General Meeting

II.3. 5th ENN Conference 

II.5. ENN 4 Publications

II.4. Call for a third Co-opted member


III: Upcoming Events, CfPs and Jobs          


IV: New Publications



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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.