Séminaire "Hasard, causalité, contingence dans le récit"

Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (CNRS/EHESS)

Séminaire « Recherches contemporaines en narratologie »



Le séminaire se réunit tous les quinze jours, les 1er, 3e et 5e mardi du mois, de 15h à 17h

105, Boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris / Salle 7


Conversations with Anna Wierzbicka

Conversations with Anna Wierzbicka Anglocentrism & the dangers for discussions in a global world

An interview with James William Underhill


John Pier

Université de Tours and

Call for papers for the 24th issue of TRANS-

Call for papers for the 24th issue of TRANS- 

Version française : https://journals.openedition.org/trans/1743

Versión española : https://journals.openedition.org/trans/1755

Versione italiana : https://journals.openedition.org/trans/1760 



Postdoctoral Positions in Literature, Cognition and Emotions

"Literature, Cognition and Emotions" at the University of Oslo is hiring postdocs:

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New publications (May 2018)


RIP Gérard Genette

  • On the occasion of Gérard Genette's passing, we transmit the message below on behalf of CRAL, organiser of the 3rd ENN conference in Paris. 
  • There is another "hommage" over at fabula.org (also in French) and also here

"Madness and Literature: What Fiction Can Do for the Understanding of Mental Illness" (Aarhus Summer School; Deadline: March 15)

Aarhus University host a summer school titled "Madness and Literature: What Fiction Can Do for the Understanding of Mental Illness". It is primarily an MA-level course, although undergraduate students and PhD-candidates may also apply. Please feel free to share this with any of your students that might be interested

Deadline: March 15


Dear Participants,


7th International Conference on Narrative and Language Studies (14-15 May, 2018)  starts over again!



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About us

ENN is the European Narratology Network, an association of individual narratologists and narratological institutions. ENN aims to foster the study of narrative representation in literature, film, digital media, etc. across all European languages and cultures.